Monday, March 26, 2007


Last week the dogs were going crazy at 3am. I just kept getting up and telling them to shut-up. After I took the kids to school, I finally went out back to see what the problem was. Opossum was hanging out on the fence. I threw rocks at him and he won't move. The dogs finally stopped barking because I think they got used to him being there. I went out and looked later and he was gone. Then a couple hours later I'm at the doctor and Ruben called because the neighbor screamed bloody murder because her dog was chasing it. It then hung out next to the neighbors shed that is right outside my kitchen window. It stayed there for hours. Animal control said they won't come and get it unless it was dead so I guess we just had to wait for it to die. I threw rocks again at it. Poked it with a broom handle and it wouldn't move. We thought maybe it was in labor. Well the next morning when I got up, it was gone. Thank GOD. Those of you who know me, know I don't like rodents, especially ones that look like giant rats!!! EEEWWWW!!!! I don't know though, isn't his face is kind of cute???

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