Friday, May 12, 2006

Picture of the week

Is this paradise? I don't think so....I have had a horrbile cold for a week that started when we were camping and on Tues. Ruben started to get it. On Wednesday, Izabell started throwing up every 15 minutes for about 8 hours straight. I would give her water so she had something to throw up and she had the dry heaves so bad not to mention the pressure causing it to come out the other end! On Thurs. She ran a fever and had diarrhea all day but no more throwing up! On the road to rest for the night for me so I thought! 11:30pm Olivia starts throwing up! A little more independent than her sister but she also had it coming out both ends. Izabell started throwing up again and she had blood in hers. Today, Olivia has a fever and Izabell says the bug in her tummy has left. We sent Maggie away for a couple of days to try and spare her. She is back now so we will see what happens. I did actually close my day care today. First time for an illness in a long time. I got up this morning after about 3 hours sleep and decided I couldn't do it!!! Lord knows I have plenty of laundry to do....bleaching everything...I have no food in the house...and I feel like a giant piece of poop!!! Blah, Blah, Blah....Mayfair parade tomorrow?? Well, we'll see.....


Anonymous said...

Wow, when sickness hits it hits hard at your house. Hope everyone is on the mend & Maggie does not get any of it. It is hard to believe those active heathy kids get sick at all. I love you all & enjoy your BLOG very, very much.
Aunt Beatie

Chef Deb said...

Hope that you're all feeling better! Maybe we'll see you tomorrow at the Parade. Happy Mother's Day weekend!!

3boysmom said...

Oh my gosh...I didn't realize you were all so sick! Hope you're on the mend now and can make it to the parade this morning! Feel better girls :-)))

Java Mom said...

Well is everyone feeling better over there yet? I sure hope so!!! Take is easy this week....last week of fair break right?