Saturday, August 19, 2006


Today I took 11 kids ice-skating. We had fun spray painting their hair before we went. They all got along perfect and there were no major injuries except maybe a few bruised butts and egos! They had a blast! I took a lot of pictures on many different settings but because of the lighting they didn't come out very well. Sorry to the girls I missed!
Ben and Bell-thanks Ben for all your help!!
Tracy Marie
For the inexperienced they had a bucket they could push around to help them balance. After a while Bell didn't need it!
Here is the gang... They all did very well. A few of them had never been and really got the hang of it.
9 years ago today, I gave birth to my second beautiful baby girl! Boy howdy was I in for a surprise! I had a pretty easy pregnancy with her. Labor and delivery were a different story....When my water broke, she hadn't dropped so I had to sit in the birthing chair which was pure he double hockey sticks! She was a pistol from the beginning! She was a spitting image of her daddy when she was born. She had darker skin than Maggie so you couldn't believe she was mine! She had a lot of straight black hair that stood straight up! Her hair fit her personality because she was colic. We used to sit her on the washing machine in her car seat to quiet her. Or if that wouldn't work, we would walk out in the frontyard while she was screaming until one of the neighbors would come out. They would come and take her to relieve us! She was little butterball even though she only liked to nurse on one side! I tried to send her to preschool for 5 4 months but she screamed and cried everytime! She is by far my most "spirited" child. She and Maggie are so different. She has a special uniqueness about her that only a mother can understand. Olivia is 100% tomboy but has a very soft heart! Even today she likes to push the envelope so to speak! Happy Birthday to a beautiful child! I love you!


Java Mom said...

Happy Birthday Olivia!!! Hope you had a great time!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Olivia! Geez Lisa, she sounds a little like you when you were young! Hmmm......